Friday, March 28, 2008

Long Overdue

I just realized that I hadn't posted about a very important event in our lives... Josh's birthday!! :) Last Saturday we celebrated Josh's 27th birthday! Josh and I started the morning with breakfast for him- chocolate chip pancakes, of course! We just hung out at the house all day and enjoyed some time together as a family. Then we headed to my parent's house for a joint birthday dinner for Josh and Ellen. Josh got to pick what was for dinner, and he picked Hot Dog City. This is a meal that his family loves, that was totally new to my family! It's basically just lots of hot dogs, and every imaginable topping for them- chili, cheese, cole slaw, relish, ketchup, mustard, dill pickles, and lots more! We hung out, told stories and let Elena entertain us all evening! We definitely missed our 3rd March birthday- Jess!

Look at all those candles!! Elena had to help Daddy blow out all 27 candles! :)

Modeling the new onsie that Elena got Daddy for his birthday! Funny that a "gift" for Josh can now be a onesie! :)

It was a lot of fun, and I never mind celebrating the awesome man God brought into my life! He's such a wonderful husband and father!

On another note... some cool weather around here yesterday. March came in like a lamb (beautiful, sunny, 60s) and is definitely going out like a lion! We had thunderstorms complete with hail yesterday afternoon. I took this video because I thought it was cool. It's amazing how LOUD it is, so be prepared!

Truman has been obsessed with going outside lately (must be spring fever) and the hail didn't deter him at all. He was very careful to stay uner the eaves, though!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Elena Says...

Here's hoping this Easter finds you remembering the true reason for the holiday- Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Beautiful Day

I know it's been entirely too long since I've posted on this blog, but I've kind of been waiting for pictures from our trip to Illinois to get here. However, I got some great pictures yesterday, so I'm going to have to subdue my OCD and go (slightly) out of chronological order here!

For those of you in Missouri, you know that we have had absolutely FABULOUS weather this weekend. In the 60s yesterday AND today. So, since Josh and I had a long-overdue weekend at home together, and the weather was so nice, we decided to take advantage of it. Despite Elena's ear infection (she stayed home with Daddy on Friday, but was feeling MUCH better by Saturday, thank God for Amoxicillin) we had a wonderful, restful day.

We started off with one of our favorite things to do on Saturday mornings: breakfast! We headed to Hyvee for some good, simple, inexpensive breakfast before we went grocery shopping. A quick trip to Walmart, and we were home for the afternoon. We watched a movie and took a nap. Then we decided to really get out and enjoy the weather, so we took Isa for a walk. We hadn't actually tried to take Isa out with the stroller and everything, but she basically totally ignored the stroller, so it worked out well. We wandered around the neighborhood for an hour or so, just talking, which was sorely needed for Josh and I.

Then for supper, we kicked off the barbecue season! We fired up the grill and cooked some chicken legs and thighs (our favorite thing to grill), made some corn on the cob and cole slaw, and had a regular feast. The best part was just hanging out with the whole family outside while the chicken was cooking. We cranked up the Tab (Benoit), opened a few (root) beers, and had a great time.

It was a day of rest that Josh and I were really needing, particularly before this week, which is going to be a crazy one for me. I just wish it wasn't going back to highs in the 30s for the rest of this week! Oh well, the brief glimpse of the coming spring and summer was awesome and refreshing!

Out for a walk... can't forget the shades!

Hanging out on the back porch... this was our solution to letting Elena be out there with us, out of the reach of Isa (not that we don't trust Isa, but she's a LITTLE energetic!) without having to hold her all the time. She seemed to love it!

Even Truman came out with us... and found a nice, high spot to survey his kingdom from.
Elena, hittin' the sauce a little early!
A man and his dog... need I say more?

What a blessing this weekend has been! Hope your's was the same.