Well, this weekend was a much needed respite from the normal go-go-go of our lives, and we DEFINITELY enjoyed it! We set out on Saturday to have the perfect Saturday, and we did! We started off by sleeping in as long as Miss Elena would let us... which was about 9:00 (after getting up to feed her once). Then we headed to breakfast at Little General, and Laney decided she LOVES chocolate chip pancakes and mangoes! After breakfast, we wandered around Walmart for awhile (who doesn't love to do that?!) and learned the funniest thing- Laney also LOVES Christmas stuff! Walmart has all of its Christmas stuff out (just a TOUCH early, if you ask me), so of course we had to go up and down the aisles. She was just enamored by all of the shiny, jingly, fun Christmas ornaments and decorations. She is going to be a maniac once we get our tree up!!
After Walmart, it had been such an exhausting day, that we went home and took a nap! There is something so awesome about all 3 of us passed out in the bed together, taking a good afternoon nap. It is priceless family time, even if we are all sleeping! After our nap, we played with Isabelle, and took her for a walk. If there is one family member who really suffers when we are busy, it's Isabelle, so I'm glad it was nice enough to head out with her. We just strolled around the neighborhood and admired the leaves.
By that time, it was 5:30, and time for the game to start! So we headed to our favorite place to watch the game,
Kostaki's! We like it there because they have great pizza (and even better cheese bread), big flat screen TVs, and not a huge crowd. And they're really nice about letting us stay and just sit and watch the game after we're done eating. Anyway, Ruth came and joined us there as we watched the Tigers STOMP Colorado, 58 to NOTHING!
Aunt Ruthie and her favorite (only) neice, supporting the Tigers! Notice that's the same shirt Elena has worn every other game day this fall... 'cause she's only got one MU shirt! :)
Don't know why I took this picture... but something about that penguin sticking out of Josh's hood struck me as funny...
Speaking of funny... guess now we'll know what happened when someone charges us with child abuse after Laney ends up with shaken baby syndrome!!
So, that was pretty much the perfect Saturday!! :)
On Sunday, we got to celebrate Uncle Charlie's 22nd birthday!! Laney thinks Grandma & Grandpa's house is LOTS of fun because there are doggies there that are JUST her size! Not sure what the doggies think, but Laney sure enjoys herself!
Check out the cute dress
Liz made!
Since lunch wasn't going to be ready for awhile after church, and Laney's not the happiest when she doesn't get fed on time, I thought it would be best to distract her with some exploring! So Aunt Ruthie, Laney, and I headed down to our old house to look at my favorite fall tree.
Riding on Mommy's shoulders... check out that awesome blue sky! The weather was so perfect for fall!
Laney thought the leaves were pretty cool... for about 10 seconds. And then she was way more interested in Bob the dog!
Sitting IN the tree was cool for about another 10 seconds! Guess Laney just doesn't quite get fall yet... maybe next year!
So, instead we decided to take her down to the creek! Every Price girl (and Laney is half-Price!) loves a good tromp through the creek! And Laney was no exception...
This was moments before a sopping wet Rachel-Dog came bounding by about six inches from us! But the picture came out pretty cute, anyway! Many thanks to Aunt Ruthie for braving the stepping stones in the middle of the water to take the picture!
Nothin' beats splashing in the creek with a stick!
FINALLY, it was time to eat! But Grandma Price's lasagna was well worth the wait!
And the birthday boy! Hard to believe that there are that many candles on my baby brother's cake! He turned 22 years old!! I always especially love Charlie's birthday party because he loves lemon cake with lemon icing, just like me! And, apparently, just like Elena! She hoovered like half a slice! And then was promptly on a massive sugar high!
In the middle of the sugar high... making all kinds of noises at the dogs outside! Check out the belly... this will be a torture-her-with-it-later picture, for sure! Kind of like the one of me sitting at the picnic table in our backyard totally naked at age 4 or so!
Absolutely SHRIEKING at Joy on Grandpa Price's lap. Grandpa Price couldn't pick her up since he just had surgery on his neck, but we just sat her on his lap and she loved every minute of it!
Apparently, October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and the youth kids surprised Josh with a Superman ice cream cake and brownies! It was pretty fun! And the cake was right up Josh's alley... as a side note, I had a much better picture of the cake that's taken at a cool angle, etc... yeah, but blogger insists on putting it on sideways, so here's the plain ol' boring picture instead!
Here's Laney playing in the nursery later... check out the icing ALL OVER HER FACE! Uncle Charlie was feeding her cake during the songs and, well, it's dark then, so his aim was a little off. It's tough to hit a moving target, you know!
In random Laney news, she has discovered the joy of climbing... GREAT! But, as my typical bad-mommy self, I grabbed the camera before I grabbed the baby! :) She's actually pretty good at balancing, so I wasn't really too worried about her!
And funny story from today... the daycare calls me at like 1:30 and says that Elena just woke up and is just arching her back and screaming like she's in pain. We tossed around some ideas, and decided to give it a little bit. So they call back at 1:45 and say that nothing is working, and it would probably be best if I came to get her. So, I gather all of my stuff, drive home with a SCREAMING baby in the backseat, and within 10 minutes of walking in the door, she looks like this:
Happily banging toys on the cedar chest, grinning like nobody's business... GREAT!! Oh well, it got me out of work early, I'll take it! :) But that's sure not gonna fly when she's older!