Life and love of a teacher and a youth pastor with a worthless cat, a wild dog, and two wide-eyed daughters!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
New Stuff!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Easter... Finally!
Easter started VERY early, as usual! Laney and I had to be at Sunrise Service at 0700 (Daddy was helping cook breakfast, so he had to be there even earlier)! But I did manage to get us both up and ready to go on time, which was a miracle (NOT a morning person). And we even had time to take a look at the Easter basket!
Even putting the purple one by the purple pool didn't fool her!
Great-Grandma Looten gave her eggs full of quarters for her piggy bank (much appreciated, since she got GOBS of candy). She had a blast putting them into the piggy bank one at a time... too bad Daddy's back still hasn't recovered!
In fact, she likes them so much, she pushed them around in her stroller! If you can't see them, she's got a comb, her milk, and a peep in her stroller. What more could a girl need?!
So there's the Easter update... we are busier than ever, due mostly to the fact that we have a 19 month old with apparently limitless energy! She is a handful, very willful and stubborn. But she's a lot of fun to have around... most of the time! :) In case you're wondering, she's adjusting pretty well to the new daycare. We really like Tamra, who takes care of her. She's good with Elena, and she takes them all over, doing fun stuff like the carousel at the mall and Bonkers. And, she's even working on potty training with Elena (it's kind of like peer pressure, because the other little girls all go to the potty at the same time, so Elena goes, too). I really consider it a God thing that she happened to open up a daycare in our neighborhood when we happened to be looking for one. Lena is happy to go play with her friends (she runs towards the door yelling Ally every morning) and happy to go home every afternoon (she never fails to come running towards me with a huge grin, yelling Mommy), and what more could I ask for in a daycare?!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Ok, I know I need to be posting Easter pics, and, really, I was supposed to be out the door 3 minutes ago, so I really shouldn't be posting anything. But I was changing Elena and she did this really funny song for me, and I thought, man, I need the camera! So I went and found it, but I didn't think she'd do it again, because she never does- she usually refuses to do anything for the camera. But, I gave it a shot, and this was the result...
I have no idea what song she's singing, but at least she's singing it with enthusiasm!!
Monday, April 06, 2009
Leila's First Birthday
On Saturday morning Josh, Laney & I went to CPO (Christian Publisher's Outlet) to spend Josh's gift card. Poor Josh, he actually only found one cd he wanted... I, on the other hand, found 4 canvases to hang in our living room (after we paint this summer). So excited about them!!
Anyway, after CPO, we headed back to the Looten's to help get everything ready for the party! It was a pretty simple plan (the best kind) with little sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, chips, and other finger foods.
Even Laney climbed up on the island to help stir the punch...
Anyway, the party went really well, everyone chatted and had fun, watched Leila (or really Luke & Jess) open presents, and eat cake- which was pretty funny, as all 1st birthday cakes are! Jess put me in charge of taking pictures. I discovered I really like taking pictures of babies and set up... not so much of grown ups. I just always feel like I'm intruding when people are talking. Or I take a picture right as someone opens their mouth or does something silly. So, not many pictures of the partiers, but lots of pictures of the birthday girl (and her friends!). There were 4 girls (counting Leila) there age 2 and under. It was fun to see them all in different stages!
And her cousin... enjoying some dinner! :) Laney loved all the snacky food, she ate the entire day! Never much at a time, but she was constantly eating a chip, a carrot, some ham, some turkey- whatever anyone would give her! Except for red peppers- she was NOT a fan!
With so many girls the same age, Leila had some serious competition when it came to opening presents! There were many reminders that those were "Leila's toys." But they all had fun!
Unfortunately, she rubbed those purple-icinged hands in her eyes. Made for a good picture...
...but ended up with stinging and screaming!
After the party was over, we headed outside to enjoy the weather- it was 70 degrees and sunny, absolutely beautiful! The girls ran around for awhile, and then the grown ups goofed off for awhile. Everyone had a blast, and ended up with grass-stained and muddy feet (most of us were barefoot)!
We really had a great time. It was a short trip, but a lot of fun hanging out with family and celebrating Leila turning one!
Friday, April 03, 2009
Ready for the Big Leagues
Anyway, in Dr. Garb's own words "She's still got a big head" (Nice, thanks Dr. Garb!). Here are the stats:
Weight: 21 lbs, 14.5 oz (20th %)
Height: 31 1/8 inches (35th %)
Head Circumference: 19 inches (90th %)
So, yep, still petite with a big head! :) [WARNING: Bragging mommy moment ahead] But, apparently it's to hold all her brains, because he also said that she had an above average vocabulary. I knew she talked a lot, but since I'm not around many 18 month olds, and she's my first, I didn't really have anything to compare her to. But the benchmark he asked me about was does she know 10-20 words. And I said, wow, definitely more than that. As the rest of the day passed, I started thinking about the words she really did know, and thought that I would write them all down. So I started listing them, and she actually knows (as in consistently uses and [mostly] understands). We came up with around 120 words! And we kept saying "Oh yeah, she knows xxx, too." It was amazing. Body parts, people, animals (and animal noises), food, clothes and then just the random ones; she can actually communicate with us. I know it sounds silly, since she obviously didn't learn all those words in one day, but it kind of struck me how much bigger she is getting, now that she can actually communicate! It makes her so much more a little girl instead of a baby; it was kind of shocking.
This age is so much fun though, she climbs on everything, runs everywhere, and jabbers a mile a minute! Of course, those same 3 things can be absolutely infuriating (hello, Terrible Twos) when she's climbing up to sit ON (not at) the table, dumping the leftover soda from dinner all over my book for work. Or running in the opposite direction when we want her to do something. Or screaming and throwing a giant fit (she's kind of a drama queen, and VERY independent) because she can't have another "kuhkuh" (cookie). But she really is growing up... she is incredibly independent, very determined to get her own way, and stubborn to the point of stupidity sometimes (might have gotten that from her mom), like when she gets in trouble for hitting, glares at me in defiance, and as soon as I let go of her hand, rears back to hit me again. Yeah, we're going to have an interesting life with her!
Anyway, that's probably more rambling than I meant to do, I just haven't really updated on her in awhile, so I thought I'd update everyone. The not-so-good news from the doctor is that she had fluid in one of her ears. He says she's not a candidate for tubes, because the fluid goes away, and because it switches from ear to ear, and she's obviously not having trouble hearing anything, since she's learning so many words. But he gave her an antibiotic to just clear it up. The amount of antibiotic he's given her will last for 30 days, once a day. My doctor/other mom friends: is that an unreasonable amount, or is that a normal dose? I'm debating calling and double checking, but I hate to be annoying.
I guess that's about it... the new daycare is going really well (she's been there this whole week). This morning when I dropped her off she wasn't even interested in coming to me for a kiss. Of course, that's because she was over by the fridge, and there was a chance she was going to get something to eat- I think the lady that watches her is afraid she's going to eat them out of house and home (she's an eater- that might be from both sides of the family!). But she has fun, and she's happy when I drop her off and when I pick her up. So, I think we've successfully transitioned!
This weekend we're headed to Springfield for Leila's first birthday party! So expect fun pictures next week!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Pedis, S'Mores & Goodbyes
Laney, all bundled up and ready to go! She spent most of the time with a marshmallow in each hand. She didn't really eat them, just took a bite or two out of them, but she seemed to like carrying them around!
Thanks again to Jess & Mike for being awesome hosts, can't wait to see you guys again!!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Estes/Rocky Mountain National Park
This is probably my favorite mountain shot of the day. The clouds are hiding the highest peak, but there's just a hint of blue sky showing through. Seriously beautiful! You stand up there and just are amazed at the power and creativity of God. To think, He created these AND rainforests, AND everywhere else AND Heaven, which is even cooler. Pretty amazing.
Ok, so there's obviously no way I could pick ONE favorite mountain shot... so here are the rest of them! Love, love, LOVE this first one: if it was black and white it would totally look like Ansel Adams!
So, can you tell I like the ones with a hint of blue sky? :)
Along with tons of mountain pictures, we all wanted to take family pictures at every stop! So, that involved finding a place to set the camera, setting the timer, smashing into the picture, yelling "Where's the truck" so Laney would look in the general direction of the camera, and trying not to blink! It was QUITE entertaining! And here are just a few of the results...
One of the first, and one of my favorites: we tried using the suburban hood to hold the camera the firs couple times. Obviously, didn't work so well!! Although, I like being tall for once... ;)
For this one, we got smarter, and used a post to hold the camera. Unfortunately, the post was in the middle of the road, and to get the right proportion we also had to be in the middle of the road. And, of course, Mike had to dash across two lanes to set the timer and get back into the picture. Everyone together now, "Where's the truck?!"
This one we actually got someone else to take (in exchange for taking one of his family, I love how when you're someplace cool, everyone will do that for total strangers).
And at the park sign on the way out. This is one of my favorites, although it doesn't have quite the story of the dashing across the road one! :) Many thanks to Mike for putting his life in danger for a good family pic!
After driving up and back down the mountain, stopping every couple of feet for pictures from one more "scenic overlook," we went out to lunch, and then wandered around downtown Estes shopping. It was a really cute downtown, with lots of candy and souvenier shops (and one knife & sword shop, where the boys spent most of their time). We bought homemade candy and caramel apples (delicious) and bought ourselves sweatshirts and t-shirts and coffee mugs, like all good tourists do!
Seriously, though, RMNP was probably my favorite thing we did all week. Between being jammed in the truck, piling out every 50 feet, driving with the windows down despite the 30 degree weather (and much to Jessica's dismay) to get good pictures, and just laughing the whole time, it was a true "ferret family adventure." Add to that getting to enjoy the beauty of the mountains, and it was awesome. Definitely a MUST for any trip to CO!
Up next: The last Colorado post, all about pedis & goodbyes!