Saturday, July 15, 2006

Dog Days

Well, it is now officially stinking hot here in Missouri! I knew we couldn't get through summer school without at least one indoor recess due to heat! To celebrate the dog days, I thought I'd post some pictures of THE DOG, Miss Isabelle herself! She spends most of her time in her pool (which is only clean in the picture because I had JUST filled it, usually it's a lovely chocolate milk hue), but she still has more energy than anyone knows what to do with. And, if you can't tell, she's curious- "Hey, Mom, what'cha doin? What's that thing?" Wild as she is, she sure loves us... and has come to understand that inside is much cooler then outside... so she wants in ALL THE TIME now. Oh well, who can blame her? She's wearing a black fur coat!

P.S. Look! We have some grass in our yard! Although, clearly not where the pool is! :)

1 comment:

jess said...

Isa needs a dog park more than any dog I've ever met :) Afterwards, she might actually chill out for a few minutes!! She's adorable! Great idea with the kiddie pool too.