Monday, August 28, 2006

Old Dog, New Tricks

Onery as my dog may be, she is a pretty smart dog. And, not to be oudone by her cousin, Sarge, she told me that she could learn "high-five," too. So I taught her last night, and decided that I needed a picture to put on the blog. I think it was easier teaching her the trick then it was getting a picture of it. I love the first picture, where she's looking at Josh like, "Geez, Dad, how many times do I have to do this before you get it right?!" But, finally, success! And I'm reminded again of how smart she is, because I didn't even have to teach her, and she started differentiating between left hand (right paw) and right hand (left paw) high-fives. Sometimes it's fun to have a smart, energetic dog. Sometimes it's not so fun, like when she decides that her "job" for the day is to eat your wicker lawn furniture... but I guess we gotta take the good with the bad! :) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

What a very smart dog! Now I need to teach Rachel how to do that!

jess said...

Sarge is so proud his cousin can do high-five now too!! What a smart puppy she is!