Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bad Neighbor

Alright, so this week has been really crazy, and Tuesday was not the best day. I was stressed out and tired because I had a meeting until 7, and it'd been a busy weekend. So Josh calls me as he's getting out of deacons and just completely ruins my day. Apparently, when he got home from work, there were two sherriff's deputies standing in our yard waiting for him... NOT GOOD. So, a neighbor (who has not been named, thus preventing me from egging their house) apparently called and complained that our dog was barking DURING THE DAY and "disturbing their peace." So the officers gave Josh a warning, and if they get called again we get issued a summons. Now, I know my dog barks. I know she is even a loud to annoying barker. But some people are loud to annoying people, and I don't recall any of them getting warnings! We keep her kenneled at night, and she doesn't bark in the evenings because we're home. So the barking that was causing the problem was ocurring between 8 and 5 DURING THE DAY. I know some people work night shifts, but if you live in the county, especially in my neighborhood, you're just going to have to live with barking dogs. It sounds like a pound out here! So then Wednesday morning we left the shock collar on her, you know, the one that shocks her if she shakes her head, jumps, or even runs too fast. I feel like the worst mommy ever, and I am not so happy with that neighbor... how unreasonable can you be?! Josh's comparison puts it best... we got in as much trouble from our dog barking DURING THE DAY (have I mentioned that it was during the day?) as we would for throwing a giant kegger until 4 in the morning. That makes me want to throw a giant kegger until 4 in the morning... except that beer is gross... and I don't have enough friends for any kind of giant party... and 4 am is WAY past my bedtime... but you get the idea! I'm just so frustrated... Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

jess said...

UGH! What unreasonable neighbors. I'm so sorry, that makes for a bad week. And I know you must feel miserable for Isa - I would feel terrible if I had to do that to Sarge knowing he couldn't even play with his soccer ball without getting shocked!! :(