Wow... I went and voted early yesterday morning on my way to work, and everything went the opposite way from what I voted. I voted for Talent, McCaskill won... I voted against the stem cell amendment, it passed. Those were the big ones, but there were others... I voted against the minimum wage hike, and it passed (bye-bye dollar menu). I know it probably seems heartless of me to vote against the minimum wage, but I don't think people realize the imact it will have on the businesses around Columbia. Plus, I don't like the automatic increase every year. The legislators snuck one in on us, though... in all the uproar about the bigger issues, the one about the pension thing slipped under the radar, and sounded really great on the ballot. But hidden in the wording (which has now become law) is a clause that says it now takes a 2/3 majority to vote DOWN a pay raise for legislators. Whoops... didn't read that part on the ballot! Anyway, so I am a little frustrated this morning, and a little nervous about where our country (and state) will be heading for the next 6 years. I guess there have probably been times like this before, and the balance is usually restored. That stem cell thing, though, that's really unfortunate...
Well Hon, I know how you feel. Just remember God's on His throne
and He is in control.
There's alot of peace in that!
I'm proud of you.
I know how you feel, Liz. If I voted for it, it didn't pass. And if I voted AGAINST it (i.e. stem cell) it did. And don't even get me started on the McCaskill thing. Ugghhh!!
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