Saturday, May 19, 2007

Another Big Step

Well, as if having a baby wasn't enough, Josh and I have officially taken another huge step into adulthood! We are now officially homeowners!! We closed on our new house, which is also my old house, on Thursday afternoon. We are moving a little at a time, which is why I have a lovely welcome sign instead of pictres of our new house at the top of this blog. I actually thought ahead to take several different pictures as we've been in and out this weekend, but Josh (aka Psycho Packer) packed up all of my camera cords, so I can't get them onto the laptop! So pictures to come sometime soon...
Otherwise, we are really excited about moving. They are fencing the much bigger yard (that actually has GRASS) with a 6-ft privacy fence this week, so our dog will be much happier! And we've already had one neighbor tell us that a barking dog does not bother her one bit, and the other neighbors expressed total disbelief at our disturbing-the-peace-at-4pm story, so that's good! The house came with a washer and dryer, dishwasher, microwave, stove, fridge, etc. etc, and actually has a full guest bath (as opposed to a toilet shoved in the laundry room). We are really just excited to get out of our duplex. Not that it hasn't been a good house for us, but between the dog-hating neighbor, and the cramped feeling, we're ready to go! We started packing last night, and have taken 4 carloads of stuff over already. We've mostly finished the blue room and the bedroom (it was nice because I only have about 10 articles of clothing that fit, so most of my clothes are already packed and over there!). We are planning our big move next Monday, since the fence guy said that the fence will be done by then, and since it's the only day off we'll have in the next several weeks!
I've decided it's best to move when you're pregnant... I don't have to carry anything! :) And Dad can't lift anything over 10 lbs right now, so moving on Monday could be interesting! Oh well, it'll be exciting just the same. It's been a crazy week, and I feel like there should be a sign somewhere... "Welcome to Adulthood." payment... YIKES!


jess said...

Yay! Congratulations on owning your first home. That's exciting. And for sure, welcome to adulthood...mortgages, ugh!

Grandpa & Grandma Looten said...

Mom & I are sure anxious to see your house. Has Truman approved?
Love you guys,