Friday, August 03, 2007

New Job

Well, I started my new job this week... I went into the office for partial days on Monday and Tuesday, then Wednesday and Thursday I taught inservices, and today I spent all day in the office. It's been interesting. Since I took this job I've been worried about teaching teachers... I don't mind talking in front of small people, but talking in front of big people is really scary for me! For one thing, I just keep waiting for them to look at me and say "What do you know?! Why are you even talking?!" But nobody did! :) Actually, both of the inservices I taught went really well. The first one was pretty scary, and I was pretty nervous. But on Thursday I was much less scared, and it went well. Both inservices were on the same topic: the data projectors that everyone is getting, and how they can use them in the classroom. They were two hour inservices, and they were very full, it took all of the time that we had to get through all of the stuff!

Anyway, so with my first inservices out of the way, today I spent all day in the office. Which is kind of weird, because there isn't really an office for us all. There's one office that's full of furniture, that one lady took, and then the rest of us are all kind of crammed into another office. And, of course, there's always some adjustments when 5 new people are thrown into 2 small rooms to work together. Turns out one of my new coworkers was actually one of my softball coaches in high school. Her name has changed, and she was only there for one year. So we spent today kind of working out who is going to work on what projects, as well as basic stuff like what hours we work and how long we have for lunch, etc. etc. with our boss. Though that kind of stuff changes with the day, and my boss is very flexible about stuff like that. And I spent the rest of the day learning how to use my new PDA. So it's been an interesting week. I definitely get the feeling that I won't be doing the same thing two days in a row. I will be out of the office as often as I'm in it, which is why they're giving us a laptop, a PDA, and a cell phone.

Well, that's about all I have to report, just thought I'd update everyone on the new job. It's going to be an interesting fall, that's for sure! :)

1 comment:

Grandpa & Grandma Looten said...

"An interesting Fall....."?

Hon, you guys have no idea!!" ha