Saturday, November 10, 2007


So, yesterday I had an eMINTS training session on campus and we were learning about visual literacy for part of the time. Basically, that just means being able to "read" pictures- the stories, emotions, etc. that you can see in pictures. And being about to take/create those same kind of images. Anyway, one of the activities that we did was to walk around campus and we were supposed to take a picture, then come back and write an "essential question" about it that would spark discussion/other questions. Here was the picture we took...

It's from the 2nd floor of Jesse, looking across the quad towards downtown. If you look really close, you can see a couple of the columns at the courthouse on the other end of 8th street. If you didn't go to MU, our essential question might not make much sense, but we asked...

"What is the impact of progress?"

Anyway, since so many of the people who read this blog did go to MU, or are familiar with it, tell me what you think. What do you notice in this picture? Just curious! :)


Anonymous said...

The first thing I noticed was the crane.


Josh and Liz said...

The crane definitely jumps out... what made me sad about it was the construction trailers covering half of the quad... soon you won't be able to see the columns at the other end of 8th street... :(