Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Me!

That was then...
This is now...
Well, it was bound to happen, and eventually it did! Part of my birthday present was money to go get my hair cut. My last hair cut was in October 2006, so it was high time for a cut! And, since I'm a mommy, I went for a mommy cut! I like it a lot, though it is much shorter than I've had for a long, long time (like since 3rd grade)! I cut a full 10 inches off, and it's now laying on my kitchen table, waiting to be mailed to Locks of Love. Kinda weird to see your ponytail sitting on the table! I can still pull my hair back into a tiny ponytail, though the bangs definitely don't stay in. The bangs are really just longer layers, but I could (with a lot of gel, mousse, brushing and blow drying) part my hair on the side and have the pull across the forehead bangs. But my hair naturally goes to zipper head with a part straight down the middle, so most of the time my bangs are really just long layers.
Anyway, thought I'd pass along the pictures! :)
P.S. Don't you love the self-photography?!


April said...

SOOO cute, Liz! And it will be so easy for you to take care of! Love it!

jess said...

Oh my gosh, I love it Liz!! It's such a cute, cute cut on you. Perfect for those tiny grabbing hands of your daughter :)

Jessiejay5 said...

I love the new do. Super cute!!! I'm sure I'm not too far off from that. haha

Marri said...

Happy hair-cut Liz!