Tuesday, December 16, 2008

15 Month Check-Up

Well, we headed to the doctor's on Monday for Laney's 15-month check up. It wasn't a pretty experience, all around! I didn't expect it to be, because Laney had pretty obviously been feeling yucky for a couple of days, and she had a red, bumpy rash on her thighs, so I knew that it wouldn't be pretty! Since she didn't feel good, she was not happy about anything the doctor wanted to do, from measuring her height to looking at her ears, never mind the shots!!

The results of the medical issues, weren't too surprising. She has another ear infection (boo) and a sinus infection. The rash turned out to not be anything too major- it's not contagious, at least, it's eczema. So, it's more antibiotics, and lots of aquaphor lotion for the dry skin spots. Nothing too major, but she sure hasn't been feeling good the last couple of days, so I'm glad we already had that doctor's appointment scheduled! She also had to get 4 shots, which she was NOT happy about... but by Monday evening she was playing like normal, so I guess she took them pretty well!

As for the stats... she's following her curves: little with a big head!
Height: 30 1/8 inches
Weight: 20lbs 10 oz
Head Circumference: 18 1/2 inches

The timing of the whole ear infection thing has actually been pretty good, because CPS has had two snow days in a row, Monday & Tuesday this week. So I've been able to stay home with her, and she hasn't had to go to daycare. Instead, we've gotten to do lots of playing! :) Monday it mostly iced, but today it was real snow, and it snowed most of the day. Since Laney was too little to enjoy the snow last year, I couldn't resist the chance to take her out to play in it today! So we bundled up...

...and headed outside! Laney LOVED the snow. She ran all over the yard, chasing Isabelle around. And she only did one face plant into the snow, and she recovered from that pretty quick!

Laney and Isabelle were both very interested in the football! I was actually really excited with how well they played together. Most of you know that Isabelle is a pretty high energy dog (and that's like saying that the sun is pretty bright), and she is extra excited in the cold weather and snow, so I was a little nervous. But she really kept it under control around Elena. She would race all over the yard, then screech to a slow walk as soon as she got near Elena. I was so impressed with her. She has obviously accepted Laney as a member of the "pack," and a delicate member at that! It was really fun to see them playing together! I can't wait until Laney is a little older and can really play with her. For now, Isa just looks at her like "Hey, throw the ball! See, the way it works is, you throw the ball and I bring it back! Hey, you're not throwing the ball!" Pretty cute, though!

And the downside to me and Laney being home all day... yes, that is the toy bin totally on its side and totally emptied... nice... I only picked up all the toys 43 times over the last two days! :)

I suppose tomorrow I will be wishing for toys to pick up while I'm at work! It's been a fun couple of days!


jess said...

Laney looks so sweet all bundled up, and her coat is adorable! Love the Isa commentary as well :) Glad you got to enjoy some downtime at home and get lots of rest all around! Gotta love working for a school system!

April said...

Glad you have had a few days off with your girl! I hope Laney is feeling better...those darned ear infections!