Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I know that I haven't posted about the trip to Ft. Scott yet, but I haven't gotten the pictures... and since I'm just getting farther and farther behind, I figured I'd just have to go out of order! Plus, I had the really hilarious video at the bottom to put up, so I just decided to go for it!

This past weekend, Tim's girlfriend, Mallorye, graduated from MU, so the whole family came up to visit. They actually all (Jess, Leila, Mom & Dad) stayed at our house, which was really fun, since we had all the baby toys, beds, etc. right there. Friday night we had lasagna and homemade ice cream for dinner. Saturday we headed to graduation, which I was a little worried about (nothing like 2 toddlers at a 2 hour graduation at the Hearnes Center). But, actually, both girls did really well. They slept through the first hour, and then we broke out the animal crackers, gummy smiles, and Smarties, and we made it through!

After graduation, we headed to Tim's house for a bbq celebration for Mallorye. We got to meet her family and friends, and just run around in Tim's backyard... which had chickens in it, which Laney was FASCINATED by! :)

Overall, it was just really fun to get to hang out with the Looten's for the weekend! It's fun to see Leila and Laney together, because they are soooo different! Laney is loud and everywhere, and Leila is so quiet, I can barely hear her when she cries. Although, by the end of the weekend, Leila was doing some random screaming, a la Laney, so apparently she was picking up some bad habits from Laney! :)

And, now for the pictures...

Laney, helping Daddy make the ice cream for dinner on Friday night. It was POURING down rain, and really storming. Laney, of course, loved it, because she loves the rain. And it gave us a good reason to wear the cow boots, since she wears them around the house all the time anyway!

After the Lootens got there, we gave the girls a little snack. Laney was not too excited about sharing. She said she would, but then, with these cheerios, she left them on the table, and didn't keep Leila from eating any. Instead, she just jammed them in her mouth as fast as she could until she looked like a chipmunk. It was pretty funny, but we're obviously going to have to work on sharing!

Hanging out in the high chairs, waiting for dinner!

And, after lasgana, they both needed a bath. They were, however, NOT interested in looking at the camera... so this is the best we could do for a picture!

Headed to graduation... lookin' cooool in the shades!

After graduation, Josh had a flat tire on his car. Laney occupied herself while we aired it up! :)

Walking on campus... just thought she looked like such a big girl... especially with the shades!
Leila playing at Tim's house. She was funny to watch because she's just learning to walk, so she was very unsteady, especially on the uneven grass. It's hard to believe that Laney, who now RUNS everywhere, was like that not too long ago!

Before church on Sunday, Grandma Looten painted Laney's toes to match her's and Leila's! Love the look on Laney's face!

And the video I just had to post... not actually from graduation, but from this past week. I've been working out to the 30 Day Shred video, and Laney wanted to get in on the action... hilarious!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

It's HERE!

Our new couch came in weeks ahead of schedule, which was a nice surprise! And Dad was nice enough to meet Josh at the warehouse with one of Kemper's box trucks to pick it up, so we didn't have to worry about smashing it into the Suburban. Then Mom & Dad helped us unload the new couch, and load up the old one for Dad to sell. And the new couch is loving its new home in our living room... almost as much as we love having it there!

Anyway, I know you just want pictures, so here you go...
Laney, of course, was a BIG help in getting the couch unloaded. First, she showed us how to go UP the ramp...

...then how to go DOWN the ramp. (Notice the old couch sitting in the front yard: Mom, Ruth and I carried it out like half an hour before the new couch got there... and then we sat in it for awhile... in our front yard... Whiskey Tango, anyone?)

Laney also made sure to help Daddy while he put on the legs of the couch.

And, TA-DAH! Here she is...

The pillows actually came with the couch, which was a nice surprise as well! And it looks really dark in that picture, but the pictures with the flash look really tan... so you'll just have to come over to truly appreciate the new couch! Charlie has already given it the seal of approval: he can stretch out full length on it. It is huge, and it takes up a good portion of the living room. But it is so comfortable, and I think we're going to love being able to all pile on it to watch a movie... however many of us there end up being!

Anyway, so there it is, the new couch. Now we just need to get through until July, when I can start ripping off wallpaper and painting, painting, painting!!

Notice the hand weights and water bottle by the couch? I've been getting my butt kicked by the 30 Day Shred DVD. Usually hate work out dvds... love this one. It's only 20 minutes of a work out, and I totally feel like I'm going to die by the end. Even I can squeeze in 20 minutes! Anyway, I'm on day 8, and I've worked out 6 of those days. Which is pretty darn good! Just in case you were looking for a good toning work out...

Ear Recheck and Roses Revisited!

Well, this is kind of a random Laney update.

First, the bad news... we had an ear recheck yesterday, and the ear that had fluid on it last month is clear, but now the OTHER ear has fluid on it. Seriously, these ears will be the death of me. So, we're back for another 30 days of antibiotics, and a recheck when we're done. Laney was so funny at the doctor's office, she's definitely figured out she doesn't like what happens behind the exam room doors! She was thrilled to be in the waiting room watching the "silly fishies" in the aquarium. But as soon as the nurse opened the door and called Laney's name she ran for me saying "Nooo, noooo." Then, when the basic checks were done, she was happy to play with the toys in the exam room. Until Dr. Garb actually walked in, then it was back on my lap saying "Noooo, nooooo" and crying. It was actually pretty funny, if it hadn't been so pitiful! Anyway, she was on much better terms with Dr. Garb when he gave her an Elmo sticker!

In other Laney news, she has new phrases that are quickly becoming her favorites- "I want it/more/that/chips/etc" and "I do it." Ahh, yes, my friends, we have developed 2-year-old attitude!! We are working on "I want it PLEASE" and other modifications to make it SLIGHTLY more polite. But the "I do it" is pretty funny! And she's pretty much up for doing anything! She is totally fearless. We have been enjoying the weather at the local park (Cosmo), and she loves the slides, even the giant ones!! The one thing she doesn't like is walking across the equipment that has holes in the floor- she doesn't like being able to see the ground through the floor (can't say I blame her there). But as far as slides go, the bigger the better! Her other new thing is possession- she's very concerned about what belongs to who: "Mommy's coffee" "Daddy's car" "My EVERYTHING ELSE." Actually, she's pretty good about leaving stuff alone if you say "That's Mommy's _____" But she is not so good at sharing anything that she has deemed her's! And combined with the "I want it" it makes for interesting conversations!! Ahh, toddlers...

Anyway, the last of the Laney update: She's definitely getting better with her singing! Although not as cute, Ring Around the Rosie is a lot more recognizable now!!

And now for some cute pictures! These are just random from the last month or so, no real place to put them in a post, but just fun pictures anyway!

Down the slide to Daddy! I love that you can hardly see her because she's laying totally backwards!

Loves the swings...

Does it get much cuter than this?!

And some good blackmail fodder for when she's 16! She loves these boots. She puts them on all the time, even though they're so big she can barely walk in them!

Just thought this was adorable. She said "My chair" and climbed up in it. She won't be able to fit there much longer!

Anyway, I still have pictures from my birthday party and the family reunion in Ft. Scott to post, but I didn't really have time, so thought I'd make do with a quick update! More posts coming soon... when I have time! :)