First, the bad news... we had an ear recheck yesterday, and the ear that had fluid on it last month is clear, but now the OTHER ear has fluid on it. Seriously, these ears will be the death of me. So, we're back for another 30 days of antibiotics, and a recheck when we're done. Laney was so funny at the doctor's office, she's definitely figured out she doesn't like what happens behind the exam room doors! She was thrilled to be in the waiting room watching the "silly fishies" in the aquarium. But as soon as the nurse opened the door and called Laney's name she ran for me saying "Nooo, noooo." Then, when the basic checks were done, she was happy to play with the toys in the exam room. Until Dr. Garb actually walked in, then it was back on my lap saying "Noooo, nooooo" and crying. It was actually pretty funny, if it hadn't been so pitiful! Anyway, she was on much better terms with Dr. Garb when he gave her an Elmo sticker!
In other Laney news, she has new phrases that are quickly becoming her favorites- "I want it/more/that/chips/etc" and "I do it." Ahh, yes, my friends, we have developed 2-year-old attitude!! We are working on "I want it PLEASE" and other modifications to make it SLIGHTLY more polite. But the "I do it" is pretty funny! And she's pretty much up for doing anything! She is totally fearless. We have been enjoying the weather at the local park (Cosmo), and she loves the slides, even the giant ones!! The one thing she doesn't like is walking across the equipment that has holes in the floor- she doesn't like being able to see the ground through the floor (can't say I blame her there). But as far as slides go, the bigger the better! Her other new thing is possession- she's very concerned about what belongs to who: "Mommy's coffee" "Daddy's car" "My EVERYTHING ELSE." Actually, she's pretty good about leaving stuff alone if you say "That's Mommy's _____" But she is not so good at sharing anything that she has deemed her's! And combined with the "I want it" it makes for interesting conversations!! Ahh, toddlers...
Anyway, the last of the Laney update: She's definitely getting better with her singing! Although not as cute, Ring Around the Rosie is a lot more recognizable now!!
And now for some cute pictures! These are just random from the last month or so, no real place to put them in a post, but just fun pictures anyway!
Down the slide to Daddy! I love that you can hardly see her because she's laying totally backwards!
Loves the swings...
Does it get much cuter than this?!
And some good blackmail fodder for when she's 16! She loves these boots. She puts them on all the time, even though they're so big she can barely walk in them!
Just thought this was adorable. She said "My chair" and climbed up in it. She won't be able to fit there much longer!
LOVE the update!! The cow boots are adorable, so glad I found them so cheap at Target :) Such cute pictures and love the video. Love you guys, can't wait to see everyone in a few weeks!
I love the last picture with her PJs on snuggling with her blankey...although I must admit I love the ring around the roses song!
I love the last picture, too. She's such a snuggler just like her Mom!
Stinkin ears! Sorry they are so pesky. Hopefully she will grow out of these infections soon. I hear you loud and clear with the 2 year old attitude. Whew man, its thick at our house too!
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