So, that's obviously Laney's version of "Jesus Loves Me." She loves to sing, and sings constantly. That song is one of her favorites. It is pretty hilarious that she is sitting on the toilet in our bathroom, flipping through Josh's Bible as she sings! She likes to sit there and "help" me get ready in the morning- "Do your hake-up" is what she calls it. Actually, this video is from a couple of weeks ago, and she's already better at that song now- she almost has the second verse down! :)
Second, we have undisputable evidence (as if we needed more) that Laney is a Looten... she already does voices!!
For translation purposes, she's saying "Cookie Monster likes cookies." She started doing this all on her own, I guess she learned it at daycare. Thought it was absolutely hilarious, and obviously something she got from Daddy, because Mommy is no good at doing voices! :)
Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!
Both videos are AWESOME!!
such a cutie!! please give her some candy from aunt jane...
I love the Cookie Monster video! It's way past bedtime here, but Ruth and I had to watch it over and over and over...! Love the squinty eyes and demonic voice. Of course, it's also hard to beat Jesus loves me on the toilet while reading your Bible. Ahhh...great end to a long day! Thanks.
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