Monday, February 01, 2010

Fun Pics & Fun Weekend!

This weekend we got to celebrate my mom’s birthday!  We actually had a day that we could all come and celebrate, without anyone having a meeting, or having to go home to go to bed early, or any rush at all, which was WONDERFUL!  So Josh & I brought out our games, and we just relaxed and enjoyed ourselves.  We played a little Killer Uno before dinner, and then we had an awesome dinner- pork loin, salad, cheesy potatoes and green beans.  All cooked by Ruth, who did a great job, especially with a create-your-own-marinade that she just made up! :)  And, of course, it was followed by Italian Creme Cake and ice cream!!  Also delicious… might have had a slightly high blood sugar after that… ;)

Anyway, didn’t take tons of pictures, but here’s one of the birthday girl with all of the candles lit-- 


Laney was a FAN of the cake… and the two helpings of ice cream she had later!


So, while she was there, Ellen finished this thing called a baby pod, and, since there were no babies around, Ellen thought she’d try it out on Nala… Nala had other ideas! :)


Anyway, after dinner we played Apples to Apples, which is a really fun game that isn’t terribly competitive, but is just funny and makes everyone laugh.  When it was so late that MIss Laney was having trouble functioning, we finally had to call it a night and head home!  But we had a great time!  And happy birthday to Mom!! :)


The rest of this post is kind of random… but just some fun pics from the last few weeks (I’ve been playing with our new camera!!!).  Mostly they’re of Elena, because Josh complains when I take pictures of him, and you can only have so many pictures of your pets!! ;)  Anyway, here goes…

Girl’s gotta have princess shoes to be good at coloring…

DSC_0132  Just thought this was adorable… she loves this “dress” (i.e. NIGHTGOWN)… and it goes with princess shoes (what doesn’t?!).


Headed out to Grandma & Grandpa Price’s… love the upside down sunglasses!  And, you can’t really tell here, but the pigtails and ladybug bow really completed the look!


A closer shot… what a ham!


So, the big news in Laney’s world is her move to a big girl bed!!  Daddy built it for her Saturday morning, so she’d have plenty of time to get used to sleeping in it before Miss Audrey arrives to take over the crib!  This is Saturday’s nap… clearly, it didn’t take long for her to get used to it!


She looks so big in that big girl bed!!


Actually, the big girl bed is going better than I could possibly have expected!  She loves it, and passes right out in it.  The first time when she napped in it I opened the door once to see her sliding out of it to go do something else, and just said “Nope, when it’s time for bed, we stay in our bed.” put her back in and closed the door.  Since then, we haven’t had any problems.  She still fusses when she doesn’t want to take a nap, but no more than she did in her crib.  So, the baby bed is a definite go!  One more step to being ready for 2 little girls!!   


Still working on getting Laney’s newest vocal performances on video… but I’m sure it’ll happen, she’s certainly not afraid of performing!! Wonder where she gets that from…


P.S. For all of my blogging friends who hate dealing with Blooger’s picture uploader, I’ve found a new toy—it’s called Windows Live Writer.  It’s awesome, because you just drag and drop the pictures in when and where you want to, type around it, and do all of the formatting (it has a few cool borders for pics, lets you crop or change color on pics), then you publish it all at once.  And when I published this one (I’m editing it to add this), and it took less than 5 minutes for the pics & text to upload.  Anyway, just a heads up, try it!  We’re using it at work now, so I’ve gotten really familiar with it, and I love using it with this blog!!  Oh, and if you download it- it tries to make you download a bunch of stuff, but you can uncheck them so it’s only Writer.  Enjoy!


jess said...

LOVE all the pics!! She looks like such a big girl in a real bed...where does the time go? Also thanks for the heads up on the blog writer thing, looks promising!!

Anonymous said...

The big girl bed is so pretty! I'm glad she's adjusting well.

Love the pictures in the princess shoes!
