Saturday, May 01, 2010

Out to the Country

I’m a week behind, but had so many good pictures that I couldn’t resist posting these before the events of this weekend! :)  Last weekend we headed to Mom & Dad’s to hang out with Clint and Cullen, who came into town to pick up a truck and do some turkey hunting!  We ended up being out there both Friday & Saturday night.  Friday the girls and I went out in the afternoon to just hang out for awhile with Grandma, since Josh was on a World Changers trip to West Memphis, AR. 

It was a beautiful day, so I took out my camera and played for awhile, while Grandma & the girls watched several movies! :) 

Bob: always a willing subject… or at least a curious one!

DSC_0919 Joy, on high alert!


Since it was late April, I knew that the may apples would be out! 

DSC_0924I’ve always associated them with my birthday.  The funny thing is, this year I saw my very first may apple, barely out of the ground, when Josh and I went on a walk in IL… the day I had Audrey!  So now may apples mean my birthday AND Audrey’s!

They’re kind of hard to see because they’re under the leaves and face the ground, but the flowers are actually pretty…


Just a pretty flower next to the house!


Once I got done goofing off, I headed back to the house and found that the girls (or at least Laney) had gotten tired of the movie and were enjoying the weather outside.  We drug out the old wagon, and went for a ride! 

It’s hard to beat dandelions!

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When Ruth got home, she and I went for a walk.  They are in the midst of remodeling the old house where I grew up, and we wanted to go check on the progress.  It looks pretty different!  They are really totally redoing everything on the inside. 

While down there we met the two kitties that live next door.  They’re pretty cute!


However, they were not so happy to see the dogs who tagged along on our walk!  Made for some great shots of “Halloween kitties!”

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The funny thing is, I was not very good about taking pictures while we were actually hanging out with people!  I was having too much fun telling stories and talking with everyone… and trying to juggle two girls!  So I don’t have any pics of Clint & Cullen.  We sure had fun hanging out with them, though, and they each got a turkey when they went hunting, so it was a successful trip!  Always good to see family!


On another note, Laney started swimming lessons at Macher’s last week.  She’s going with her daycare, but since they are on Wednesday mornings, we’ve just decided that she’ll stay home with me until it’s time for lessons (10), and then I’ll take her there.  I like watching the lessons, and seeing what they do so I can help her “practice” her monkey lips and pancake hands and gliding arms (all their terms).  The teachers were really great with them, this lesson was double-booked so they had the 6 kids from Cannery Row along with 10 or so kids from another daycare.  That’s a lot of 2/3 year olds in one pool!  They split them, since it was our first week, and one teacher took the six kids from Cannery Row.  She was very patient with them, helping them “swim” out to a table in the middle one at a time, and somehow managing to keep the other 5 kids sitting on a step along the side of the pool.  One little girl kept not staying on the step, and the teacher just watched her constantly.  Once she let her walk off to where she couldn’t touch anymore, let her head go below water, and then just scooped her up and said “I told you to stay on the red step.”  Anyway, overall I was very impressed.  I didn’t get many pictures because my camera battery was dying, and because the light was not great.  But here are a couple:

Although they’re not supposed to splash when they’re waiting to swim, it’s very hard to resist!


Swimming out to the center with her teacher.


Anyway, so there’s the update from last week!  For more pictures, see the Baby Loo Two blog!  I update it every Thursday (so far)!


jess said...

GREAT update! Looks like your new camera is treating you well. I love the pictures of Bob and the Halloween kitties, my fave! I can't wait to see what they're doing to the old house....didn't even know they'd gotten started. Send me some pics of that, somebody!

Love you!

EllensCreativePassage said...

Love those two Halloween kitties! Reminds me of my old cats at my old house!!