Sunday, January 02, 2011

Christmas at Home!

Well, it was definitely fun to have another first Christmas this year!  Audrey was a fan of the lights and all of that, but she was mostly a fan of ripping bows off of the presents!  So, many of the presents under our tree had the wrong bows, bows that had to be taped back on (many times), or were just flat out missing bows.  Oh well, at least she didn’t manage to pull over the tree! :)

Grandma Judy made Audrey her stocking, which is nice since they still all match!  It was fun to plan for presents for two, and the girls got one big joint present (we’ll take advantage of that for as long as we can!).  It is so hard with the girls, because there’s so much stuff that we know they’d love- so we just keep buying “one more thing.”  So, by the time Christmas rolled around, our tree (with the Santa presents) looked like this:


Audrey’s stocking & pile of presents from Santa

DSC_3326 And Laney’s…

DSC_3327We were up waaayy too early (especially considering we had the whole family over for Christmas Eve dinner)!  And we have definitely created a monster in Miss Laney- we put her to bed at a reasonable time, but she was still awake looonng after we turned the lights off.  Kinda like us- we just laid there torturing each other, and NOT sleeping.  Our house gets excited for Christmas!!  Somehow, though, once the presents started coming out, Laney was pretty excited!Opening presents was definitely fun for her!

One of the “Oh, that is so cute, she’d love it, just one more thing” presents: A Superman shirt to match Daddy’s!

DSC_3338 Laney may have loved it, but Audrey had some trouble figuring out why we were awake and what the heck was going on!  Maybe next year… :)


Laney’s gift with the funniest story: this was a broom we bought her in SDC.  We hid it in the closet, but she unfortunately found it one day, took it out of the closet, and yelled “I’m the Wicked Witch!”  We totally had to pry it out of her hands and hide it again.  So, this broom had to be from Mommy & Daddy, just in case she remembered it!  I don’t know if she did or not, but she’s sure enjoyed it!


The girls, trying out their new ride!  Love this adorable, Radio Flyer wagon!  I see some walks in our future!

DSC_3343  And, it wouldn’t be Christmas without a Looten family in their pjs picture!  Only took one, but it came out alright.  Everyone is at least looking towards the camera! :)DSC_3351 

Hope everyone else had a Christmas that was as joyful as our’s!  Up next… Christmas continues at the Price house & in Springfield!

1 comment:

EllensCreativePassage said...

Laney looks so excited and wild and Audrey looks so puzzled in every picture! I love the last pic where Audrey has her ET finger on her chin!