I left for the day and my closet vomited itself all over my bed... wait... maybe that was from my closet crisis this morning. Every person (or at least every female person) knows about those mornings when everything in her closet sucks. Every single piece of clothing you own is too small, too big, too short, not the right color, and, of course, makes you look fat. So you try on outfit after outfit, getting more irritated and later to work with every outfit that doesn't work, until by the end of it you decide to call in sick (is ugly-clothesitis a disease?) or go to work in a burlap sack. Well, I (clearly) had that kind of morning this morning. Poor Josh, I don't act girly very often; I don't spend hours getting ready or fixing my hair in the morning... most mornings I don't even spend one hour. So when I morph into high-maintenance mode he's totally unprepared to handle it. I mean, every morning there is the requisite question ("Does this look ok?"), to which he usually responds "It looks fine" without turning his head. Unfortunately, this morning, that just didn't cut it. I must have tried on 15 different things, and asked him "How about this?" at least 43 times. By the end he was barely speaking to me. When I came downstairs in an outfit totally opposite from the one I'd started with (start: black capris, blue tank top, black sandals; end: green pants, red top, brown slides) he was smart enough to not say a word, and tried his best to hide snorts of derisive laughter. But, when all was said and done, he mostly understood, and called me beautiful several times throughout the day. So here's hoping that by tomorrow my clothes have returned to their normal size, because I can't be late to school twice in one week, and I don't know if my marriage could survive another morning like this one! :)
I must admit, I was snorting with laughter myself. I can totally relate. This is your funniest blog posting yet!
Hi Hon!
That is hysterical and so true! Men do not have a clue. You are a great writer. Looking forward to spending time with you guys this weekend.
Love, Mom Looten
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