Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Big Girl!

So, this is probably way too many pictures of a simple bunk bed… but, what  can I say, my big girl is growing up!

Since this house is considerably smaller than our old one, the bedrooms are smaller, too (duh).  To save space, we decided to borrow the bunk beds my brother and sister used, which also happen to be the bunk beds my grandma’s dad made for my aunts and uncles to sleep in when they were young!  How cool is that? 

Anyway, so we finally got them put together, and they don’t have mattresses yet (they are not a standard size, so we just ordered foam mattresses, which will be fine for the girls when they’re so little), but we put Laney’s air mattress on the top bunk so she could start sleeping in her bed. 

So, here’s her first night on the top bunk!

Learning to climb up by herself. 


We really wanted her to do it on her own so she was comfortable.  She was scared at first, but in a day or two, she was getting in and out on her own.  It helps that the bunks are not too tall, so it’s not a long way to the ground. 

Listening to her bedtime story!  (See, the top bunk is only 4 feet off the ground or so, perfect for two little girls)


She was SOOO excited to be sleeping on the top bunk!


All tucked in and ready for sleep!


She has been doing remarkably well… sleeping on the floor was getting harder, because she was eye level with all of her toys, and that’s a lot of temptation for a little girl who doesn’t like to take naps!!  Josh and I were a little (or a lot) nervous the first few nights, worried that she’d fall off, but we haven’t even had any near misses.  And the first couple of nights that she woke up to go to the bathroom and wasn’t comfortable climbing down were a little rough (believe it or not, we hadn’t missed the screaming “I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!” in the middle of the night).  But, since then, she’s learned to climb down, so she gets herself up in the middle of the night, and it’s all good!

Now we just have to get the real mattresses, and some new bedding for them (I’m looking at this set, or this set).  I like the flowers, but Laney and Josh both like the polka dots.  So, we’ll see what is left and on sale towards the end of the summer!! :)  Not sure when we’ll move A from the pack and play onto the bottom bunk… probably going to give her another month or two.  But, for now, Laney is thrilled! 


EllensCreativePassage said...

I love both of those comforters! You could get one of each...with the same color sheets they would look great together!

jess said...

i agree with ellen, they do complement each other well! but if i had to pick just one, i'd go with polka dots too ;)

REALLY sweet picture of laney grinning from ear to ear. i miss that little peanut!!!