Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Update

And by A, I mean Audrey... :) I realized with Laney, at about this age, that once I stopped doing the weekly posts on the baby blog, I missed having a record of what she was doing. So, I thought I'd do a quick update on Miss A., with a few extras thrown in...

She is about 15 months now, and walking really well, and into EVERYTHING! She's starting to talk, and I get the feeling that she will just explode with words in the next few months. She says Dada, Hi, Mama (sometimes), Thank you (which is adorable) and, my personal favorite- Mine! She's learned it from Laney, b/c every time Audrey has something of Laney's, Laney grabs it and says "MINE!" So, now, whenever A wants something, she says "Mine, Mine, Mine." She sounds like the gulls from Finding Nemo (only cuter). The Thank You is pretty adorable, too. I'm not sure where she picked that up, but she says it whenever someone gives something to her. Pretty cute as well!

A is still pretty much a beast, she loves to eat. Her favorite is bananas, but she'll pretty much eat anything I put in front of her, as long as there's a lot of it! She also loves to read, and be read to (as long as the book is short). She absolutely TORTURES Truman. He is her absolute favorite, and it is the funniest thing to see her walk across the living room and throw herself on top of him. I think it's funny... I'm not sure Truman agrees. She is really lovable, she loves to snuggle and will run all out across the room and just fling herself onto my legs to give me a hug. She's also started kissing, which is mostly putting her face against something and making a big "MWAH" sound. And she loves to play with dolls- carries them around, kisses them, puts them in chairs, wraps them up in blankets. Amazing how little girls will just do that naturally.

Audrey's other favorite things include climbing everything, sitting in chairs, and loving on any animal she can find! We look down the hallway a lot to see her sitting in the big rocking chair in their room, rocking back and forth, totally proud of herself. She even climbed up on the table the other day. It does tend to get her in trouble, since getting up is a lot easier than getting down! :) She's getting better, though... and it's still funny to see her with a big ol' grin on her face! A few pictures of her escapades:

Totally proud of herself for climbing into the rocking chair!

Reading a book on Laney's air mattress... A loved when it was on the floor!

Two of her favorite things: A chair to climb in and out of, and a puppy dog to love on!

A's other new trick is animal noises... Check these out...

(So, she makes that funny face at the beginning b/c my camera has an orange light right after you push the shutter button, and usually it's followed by a flash! Guess she was preparing for it...)

So, we were trying to get her to learn the cat noise, because she was already doing the "woof, woof" for a dog. She kept not doing it, and then once when I was trying Truman walked through the room and meowed (and, if you know Truman, you know how he "talks"). Well, she just up and imitated him, and ended up with a cat noise that sounds a lot more like a cat! Now she just walks around doing that, and it never gets old. It's pretty realistic!!

And there's the A update... I can't wait until her talking really takes off. Of course, then I'll have two little girls who never stop talking!! :)

P.S. I forgot to add that the other big news for Audrey is that we have broken the binky habit. We were hopeful that not having a binky all the time would help her ears, because there is some research that links binkies and ear infections. So at the end of May/beginning of June we took her binkies away. She only has them now for nap and bedtime... I think we both miss them, but she really does pretty well without them. And maybe that's why she's suddenly so much more verbal!!

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