Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Day!

Well, there's nothing like Christmas at home! For me, there's nothing like waking up Christmas morning at home. Not that we really slept much the night before; we never do. We mostly just lay in bed torturing each other about the presents! Anyway... we did sleep a little, so we woke up and headed downstairs for presents! Josh obviously cleaned up... actually, he won in the present giving department... he got me a new camera, a nice one with a zoom and lots of other toys that I haven't figured out how to use yet! I am so excited! It definitely beat the overcoat I got Josh, although he seemed to like it. Anyway... we got the cat a teepee with attached feathers, which he loved. And, his best present was a squeaky mouse that he lost all dignity over! He rolled over on his back and was grabbing onto it with all his paws. Anyway... speaking of losing all dignity, Isabelle got a ball on a rope... and lost it. If I can figure otu how, I'm going to put a video of her playing with it. But, let's just say, it is no longer nice and clean, it's a total mudball. And I am having a blast with my new camera! Josh got (shocker) two Superman dvds, and we've watched both of them already! :) Anyway, we had a great time opening presents and watching the "kids" play with their new toys. Imagine what we're going to be like when we actually have kids! :) Anyway... after playing fo awhile, we headed out to my parent's house, for our 4th Christmas! :)

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