So, for those of you not in Columbia, it has been snowing for the last couple of days. Well, Wednesday night it rained then froze, so that was more ice. Then yesterday afternoon (a snow day from school) it started icing/sleeting/"wintery mix"-ing, which turned into dumping snow last night! I love snow, and the dog was desperately in need of some exercise, so last night we took the dog for a walk. It was totally deserted outside, and the snow in a lot of places was completely untouched, just perfect and smooth. It was really beautiful. And, of course, begging for a snow angel, which Josh made! :) Anyway, when we came back I noticed that my snow people that are sitting on my front porch looked really cute with a light dusting of snow, so I took a picture. Then we went to bed... this morning, we woke up to the alarm, and it turns out that it just dumped on us, and not only were schools closed, but, really, all of Columbia was closed. Even I-70 and Hwy 63 were closed to civilian traffic. So I went outside to look, and, yep, sure enough. I can see about 3 inches of the middle of my car and the side mirror. Then I looked down and saw my snow people, or, rather, I didn't see my snow people. So here's what they look like today! Isabelle is truly in her element, she loves the snow, and has been bounding through it like a jackrabbit (for those of you who grew up with me, think Icky in tall grass). Anyway, there hasn't been a snow day like this in years, so I'm going to go outside and play with my dog and my husband and enjoy it! I'm sure I will post more pictures later!

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