Friday, December 01, 2006

Snow Bunnies

Clearly, some people (and dogs) are made for cold weather and snow! :) My husband and his dog had a grand ol' time today frolicking in the snow. Actually, I can't talk because I was generally right with them, except when I was taking the pictures. Nothing like a good snow storm to turn everyone into little kids again! :) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Funny, I don't see Mr. Truman out there in the snow...
I had to extricate Mr. Frosty from under the deck at 0600 today...he had been missing since Wednesday night. Poor little kitty got "snowed in" under the deck. He was most appreciative and has spent the entire morning grooming, eating and sunbeaming.

Anonymous said...

I hear the kittums don't like the snow. Remember how Truman got locked outside last Christmas Eve?? Love all your posts, Liz. Especially love the fall leaves story (I'm with you on the leave-it-for-compost idea!) and I would love to join you all for Black Friday next year. Can you believe I've never gone?! What is WRONG with me??
