Monday, August 22, 2011

Whirlwind STL Trip

Slowly but surely, I’m catching up! :)  The week after our trip to Holiday World, we went on a whirlwind trip to St. Louis.  My aunt, Kim, was getting married there, and we wanted to go.  Since St. Louis is about a 5 hour drive from Etown, we decided to make a day of it.  We got up and out the door early, and headed to St. Louis to meet Charlie & Ruth at the Science Center!  None of us had been to the Science Center since we were in school, so we were kind of excited to see what had changed.  The answer is… well, not much!  But it was fun revisiting the old classics, like the giant T Rex, the bridge over the highway (where you can see how fast the cars are going), and the build-an-arch activity!  And, of course, it was the girls’ first time, so it was all new to them (although the reading about the eras of the world… not so interesting for them.  Weird.)

Anyway… onto our adventures at the Science Center…

Of course, one of the major things to remember from the Science Center is the giant T Rex that moves and roars!  When we first got there, Josh was looking at the map and trying to decide where to go, so I took Laney over to the railing to show her the dinosaur.  Right as we got to the railing, it looked over at us (seriously, it really did look like it was looking right at us, and I knew it wasn’t, but Laney sure didn’t!), opened its mouth, and roared.  I thought Laney was going to climb me!  It was pretty hilarious.  She was quite interested in NOT going anywhere near the dino for awhile. 

But, eventually we got a good pic of her and her daddy with it!


Like I said before, everyone remembers the build-an-arch activity, so we had to give it a shot…

Laney was actually a help- she could find the numbers for Josh and Charlie.  Audrey… well, she mostly sat on the blocks! :)


Daddy and Charlie, dropping in the last “stone.”


And then, disaster struck: the arch still wouldn’t stay up!  Engineer Charlie had to keep adjusting to figure out why, of course.  Meanwhile, I was trying to get a picture of the three of them underneath it, whether it would stand up or not.

Laney and Daddy, ready for a picture.  Charlie… still fidgeting with the arch!


And finally I just gave up and settled for a picture of Josh and Laney… note Charlie in the background, STILL trying to fix the arch!


The other crowd pleaser was, of course, the bridge over the road.  Laney thought it was way cool that you could look down and see the cars going by underneath.  She was a little small to do the speed thing (or to understand what it meant) but just looking at the highway seemed to entertain her.

No fear whatsoever!  My brave girl…


No fear for Miss A., either!


And then there’s the gift shop… where Josh just had to be Josh! :)


While we were at the gift shop, we had to pick up a bag of astronaut ice cream, because it’s not a trip to the Science Center without it (at least not for me- I bought some EVERY TIME I went when I was a kid).  Good news is, it’s still delicious!

After the Science Center we went to Ted Drewes, a St. Louis ice cream place that Josh had heard was really good.  We are seriously lacking in frozen custard around Etown, we pretty much just have DQ and Baskin Robbins (not the same as Andy’s or Randy’s or that kind of thing…).  So we were excited to get to eat some good frozen custard… and it was good!

The girls… yeah, they TOTALLY passed out on the way there, so they didn’t get to try it.  Trust me, they needed the naps way more than they needed the ice cream!


So, after Ted Drewes we headed off to the main event of the trip, which was the wedding, of course!  It was held at Kim’s new sister-in-law’s house in an old neighborhood in Kirkwood.  It was a beautiful neighborhood and house, and a great place for a wedding.  It even stopped raining for the wedding (although it was a touch on the warm side!).  I’ll admit, though, that I was a little fried (and a lot warm), so I didn’t take too many pictures.  Plus, at weddings I kind of like to let the photographer take the pictures!  Just a few I took…

Audrey and Grandma Price… check out the hair on Audrey, we made the mistake of pouring a little water on her head to cool her off and then she wouldn’t let us stop!  Water baby extraordinaire!


Since the only nap she got that day was the 30 minutes she slept in the car at Ted Drewes, Laney was a bit of a monster… so she spent a lot of time at the wedding under the table. Oh, well!


Anyway, like I said, I didn’t take too many pictures.  But we really had a good time at the wedding, just visiting with family.  We got to see lots of people that we don’t see very often, and it was fun catching up, since lots has happened in the last year or so!!  We headed back that night, so it was definitely a long day, but totally worth it to see family and wish Kim & Charlie well on their marriage!!  Congratulations, you guys!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Holiday World

Yeah, so I’m running about a month behind in the blogging world… it’s been a little nuts around here lately, with trips to STL, new carpet, ordination services, new jobs, etc… and I have a wicked cold (or my allergies are acting up), so it’s been hard to get motivated to get caught up on my posting.  But I am crazy behind now, so I’m gonna do my best! :)

Towards the end of July, our church went to Holiday World.  It was really kind of a nice set up, we could caravan or drive on our own, and head up whenever we wanted.  Then we had a meal together as a church while we were there, and could stay as long as we wanted.  So it was some good time together, but there was also a lot of freedom.  Which I guess is what you can do when you're taking the whole church, and not just youth! :)  Anyway, we’d never been to Holiday World, and we’re always up for a theme park, so we packed the car and the girls and headed towards Santa Claus, IN!

This park (as the name suggests) is broken up into sections based on holidays- 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.  It also has a water park section, called Splashin’ Safari, kind of like Six Flags in St. Louis.  Probably the coolest thing about how Holiday World is run, is they don’t charge for drinks.  There are all of these buildings with “Pepsi Oasis” signs, and you can just walk in, grab a cup, and fill it up with whatever you want to drink.  So that certainly saved some money!  

Since it had a water park, we had the girls wear clothes and packed swim suits.  Knowing our girls, we should have just put them in the swim suits, because we should have known they’d find water wherever it was… and they did!  We started the day off in a section called Holidog World, which was designed for kids.  It was like a giant jungle gym/play place, with a big water mat/sprinkler in the middle.  Yeah, guess where our girls were… the sprinkler!  They went straight in, clothes and all…


We left this area for a little while, and went off to see what kinds of rides Laney could ride.  We found this bird ride first, and she was all about it.  So, she and Daddy hopped in.  I thought it was hilarious that she made him sit in the Jayhawk colored bird…


While we were at the birds, we ended up running into Pastor Nathan, his wife, daughter, and granddaughter, Angel.  Angel is about the same age as Laney, so they are, of course, immediate best friends.  Cara (Angel’s mom) wanted to do some big kid rides, as did Josh and I, so we passed the kids off to Nathan and Tammy, and Cara, Josh, and I hit all of the roller coasters.  And, let me tell you, there are some roller coasters at Holiday World!  They are all wooden, and they are really long.  The Voyage, in the Thanksgiving section, was the first we rode, and was my favorite.  It just kept going and going, underground, up huge hills, around corners… it was crazy.  Anyway, after some grown up time, we went back to relieve Nathan and Tammy, and found our girls absolutely soaking wet.  So we just gave in and changed them into their swimsuits.  Next time, just swimsuits and shorts! :)

We stayed around Holidog World until it was about time to eat, and I think the girls could have stayed there forever…

MUCH happier to be in a suit!


There was no off/on with these sprinklers… it was just on all the time!


Every half hour or so these characters would come out and do a dance for all the kids… Laney LOVED it, and by the 3rd or 4th time she saw it, she worked up the courage to go talk to them.  Of course, she liked the girl in the sparkly dress the best!


Loved that my girls played together and had a blast!


We stayed in this part of the park until it was time to go to our church meal, which was actually really good.  After the meal, we headed off to Splashin’ Safari to enjoy the water park.  I didn’t take a single picture, seeing as how there was water everywhere, but OH MY GOSH did the girls have fun!!  They had a kids area with probably 6 or 7 little slides, and both girls just went crazy for it.  Audrey made the lifeguards nervous because she just kept sticking her head under water, coming up sputtering and spitting, and doing it again!  It was a walk-in pool, with the water under the slides still only 2 or 3 feet deep, so Laney just paddled around to her heart’s content.  It was an awesome time, and I’m going to have to make sure I keep my camera closer next time (it was in the stroller, which we parked near the front, before finding the slide pool all the way in the back of the park).  Our kids are such water babies…

Anyway, by the time we all played on the slides and in the water for another couple of hours, we were wiped and ready to head home!  We stopped on the way out for a treat (Laney chose a chocolate covered apple, with sprinkles, of course) and to let Laney ride a few more of the kid rides, which were all in one place by the exit, and had no lines. 

Meanwhile, Audrey worked on Laney’s apple…


Further proof that Laney is Josh’s daughter (as if there was any doubt by now)… this little girl was standing next to her in line, and Laney just decided that they were going to ride together… and promptly started “helping” (aka, bossing) her!


Instant best friends! :)


P.S. Chocolate apples are delicious!


Our last ride, the seahorses (that is one tired and happy kid).


And we were headed home, exhausted, a little sunburnt, and happy!  It’s a bout a 2 hour drive home, so by the time we got there, our little girls looked like this:


And NOBODY MOVED when we unloaded them and put them to bed.  They were totally worn out!  So, overall, Holiday World was a lot of fun, and definitely worth a return trip!! 

Monday, August 01, 2011

Trip to MO: Columbia Edition

Well, after our trip to Springfield, we headed north to Columbia to hang out with the Price side of the family. One of our youth girls was getting married on that Saturday, so we went up for the end of the week so we could go to the wedding. One of the coolest things was that Jess actually knew the groom, so she and Mike came in from CO to visit at the same time. We so rarely have the whole family together at the same time, it was pretty awesome! Other than the wedding, we didn’t plan too much. Mostly just hanging out at Mom and Dad’s, doing some of our favorite things (or the girls favorite things, since they’re way more opinionated!).

So, some of the girls favorite things…

Wrestling (or beating up on) Uncle Charlie!


Pedis with Aunt Jess! (Audrey’s first)


Watching movies and hanging out with Aunt Ruthie!


And four-wheeler rides and hanging out on hay bales with Uncle Charlie! Yes, even Miss A got a few four wheeler rides, albeit very SLOW ones!


Jess & Mike brought the girls a slip and slide, so we broke that out one afternoon (it was certainly hot enough for it!). The girls are such water babies, that even the colder-than-a-well-digger well water didn’t faze them. Their lips were blue and their teeth were chattering, and they just kept playing. They weren’t actually so good at the sliding, so they had to be pushed down the slide (which means mommy got just as wet… too bad I wasn’t dressed for swimming!). Although Audrey mostly wanted to just stand there and get sprayed by (and drink) the sprinklers coming from the side. However they played, it was an absolute blast, and they loved every second of it!


Just a couple of random pictures…

Audrey’s first ponytail… pretty sad-looking! :)


Sticker-face Laney!


Like I said, Saturday we went to the wedding. It was the 4th wedding we’d been to since March, so Laney has learned all about weddings, and LOVES them (of course). She was so excited to get to go. And it was fun to get all dressed up as the whole family and go. And it’s always cool to see our youth kids grow up and start their own lives. Not quite like it will be when it’s our girls, but something like that… Anyway, on with the pictures!

The Looten family! :)


Laney and Jess… check out the veil on Laney!

DSCN1604We were having some trouble keeping Laney entertained (and off the dance floor) after she was done with dinner. The reception was pretty formal, so there was a full dinner, and Laney was done well before everyone else. To distract her, I grabbed a baggie of mints off of the favor table, and when she had eaten them all, we made the netting into a veil. She was quite thrilled! It’s the simple things in life!

Audrey… not as interested in dancing, much more interested in cake!


Lucky for Laney, the dance floor did eventually open, and she could make her presence known…

Including by dancing with the groom, who didn’t even know her… hilarious. Totally outgoing… which is totally NOT ME! :)


She also danced with her Aunt Jess, though. We didn’t get to do too much dancing, because it was after 10 before the dancing started, and that’s getting towards little girl bedtimes!!


Sunday we went to church, and then went out to Shakespeare’s (yes, please, I miss that pizza!) for lunch. Always a good time… and then it was time for good byes. Which are harder with this side of the family, because we’re not used to living far apart yet.

But, before goodbyes, we had to take a sibling picture, of course… always a good time, as evidenced by this, this, and this previous attempt to get a family picture when Charlie’s involved! (Oh, look, here's another sibling, picture)

This time it was my turn to take an elbow to the face (better than when Ruth got keys to the face, I guess).


And then once we were all sufficiently mangled, he finally cooperated for one good picture…


Like I said, the good byes are still pretty hard with my family, but thankfully Charlie always knows how to break the emotional tension…


Anyway, it was a great visit, so nice to see all of our families… and so awesome to have a week to make it a nice long visit. Can’t wait to see everyone again!!