Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Aftermath

Well, we went public (very) with our news last week... and not a lot has changed, except that it really does feel more real to me. And I can't go anywhere without being asked how I feel! Which is usually not so hot, although it is getting better. The grandparents (and aunts, and great-aunts) are positively glowing, whether I am or not! :) I am still very excited, though, and I'm glad to not have to hide things anymore. If I'm tired, I can act tired. If I'm sick, I can act sick. And everybody is so excited for me, it's hard not to get really excited myself (as if I wasn't already). Today I was taking my Sunday afternoon nap (it used to be I took a short nap on Sunday afternoon, now all of Sunday afternoon IS a nap) and Josh laid his head on my belly and started talking to our baby. Now, I know the baby really probably can't hear yet, but it was just th sweetest thing, and I found myself fighting tears. I'm so excited to get started on this new adventure, and I couldn't be more excited about the husband, family, and extended support that is joining us!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Well, I'm back...

Well, there have been many complaints about the lack of blogging, so I just thought I'd offer my explanation. There are 3 reasons... 1) Every evening, around 4:30 or 5:00, I feel rather like yakking. 2) By the time I'm done with school, I'm lucky if I have the energy to get home. And... 3) The biggest thing in my life for the last month I haven't been able to blog about! That, of course, is that WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!! We had our first appointment today, and got our first ultrasound, so we are now telling, well, anyone and everyone who makes the mistake of running into us! On the ultrasound above, the white line is the measurement. The big blob at the top of the line is the head, the rest is the body. It was unspeakably cool to finally see our baby. It makes it so much more real (not that the whole yakking thing didn't make it pretty real) and we are so excited!

As for the details...
I am about 10 weeks along.
Due date is September 20th (I know, not the best time for a teacher to have a baby).
The baby is 3.07 cm long.
We did not see it move, but we did see the heartbeat, which was really cool.

Anyway, so we are really, really excited, and I'm sure I'll keep you updated as life progresses!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Fun with Friends

Well, I know it's been forever since I've posted anything, but life has been very busy and pretty boring lately! But the last few nights have actually been really fun! Josh and I have joined a bowling club (kind of like a league, but I guess less competitive), with two friends from church. So Thursday night was our first night. And the first time I'd been bowling in a year, so you can imagine how good I was! It turns out we are the only team to sign up for this particular club, so the guy actually gave us the games for free! So we just enjoyed bowling and hanging out. And I didn't do atrociously, although I was by no means good! I did break 100 every game except the first... and my high score was 119. So that's still pretty sad, but oh well! We knew we were in trouble when we got there and the other two both had their own balls AND shoes! Anyway, I'm sure we'll get better as we play more... at least I hope so!

Anyway, while we were bowling we learned that Friday was the birthday of the guy we were playing with, and his wife invited us to go out and celebrate last night. So we did! There were several couples there, including another couple from church. We drove to The Pear Tree in Bevier, MO. Yeah, I didn't know that town even existed either! It is north of Moberly, so it was over an hour drive to get there. I guess the restaurant is really well-known, and it was pretty good. It was fun just to hang out with people, but I'm thinking we could have done that in Columbia! Oh well, it was his birthday, he gets whatever he wants! Anyway, the food was pretty good, although I'm not sure it was worth the drive! But the company was, so I guess you can call it even, because we did have a good time. And we stayed up all the way until midnight... we're such rebels...