Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This is what it looks like at my house right now… sorry for poor quality, all of these were taking with my cell phone b/c I don’t really know where my camera is right now…

Truman, helping me pack up the stuff in the desk…


Sad, bare cabinets with just enough dishes to get us through the next few days.


Audrey, helping Daddy go through cds.


It’s kind of sad… and exciting… I will miss this house; I really love it. There are a lot of memories in it, from college and since we bought it a couple of years ago. I’m sad to be leaving a place with so many good memories… early in dating Josh (from the second time around), lots of time spent with good friends, learning to live on my own, and then coming back and buying it as a married couple, raising kids, growing into the house.

But, the good news is, the memories aren’t limited to the location, and the most important parts of those memories are moving with me!

And, speaking of memories, some of the really interesting things about moving and packing are the hidden gems that are unearthed while sorting through old papers and pictures. Gems such as these:

Ahh, brothers… Let’s just say that we will have quite the arsenal of pictures for Charlie’s wedding montage! :)


And, just to show that I’m equal opportunity, one of me, too…


Nice glasses, huh? Those glasses (or at least glasses that size) plagued me all through junior high. ‘Cause I needed help being not cool in junior high… and, Jess, nice skirt and purse combo! :)

So, things are obviously rolling right along. We are making good progress packing, and everything seems smooth as far as the closings on Friday and Monday. We have gathered in all of our “resoruces,” and we’re trusting God that it will be enough to cover costs on Monday. The plan is still to drive to IL on Sunday, and then on to KY on Monday morning. We are working to figure out how to get a privacy fence up, since the Bella will jump a chain link without even trying. I think Dad and Charlie are going to build us a shed while we’re moving (Tunnel Hill is planning to help unload, so that should leave Charlie and Dad free to work on the shed all day Monday and Tuesday). So awesome to have family to help! Still both sad and excited for this to actually be happening…


jess said...

oh my gosh, i can't believe it's already time to close on the houses!! praying for everything to go smoothly.

and is that a twizzler charlie is cramming up his nose??

EllensCreativePassage said...

Jess you were great at accessorizing even then! Sad Liz, but you have a whole new chapter ahead of you!

Josh and Liz said...

Jess- It's not a twizzler, he's blowing a party horn thing with his nose. Boys.

Anonymous said...

Very best wishes with your move and getting settled. Love, G'De