Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy Halloween

I got a forward of a bunch of dog costumes this week, and I couldn't resist putting this one up here just for Jessica's friend, Julie! Without her I wouldn't have a clue what an IG even was... and I certainly wouldn't have the lovely mental image of what happened right after this picture was taken. Which, in my head, goes something like this... camera flash goes off, dog is gone, bolting around the yard like a giant sausage with the tootsie roll costume bouncing around and eventually just peeling off from sheer wind force as the dog tears around the yard in a state of bliss... but that's just in my head... what do you see? :)


jess said...

What I imagine comes next is, the dog throws her hind legs in the air in an attempt to kick the costume off. If this doesn't work, she finds something - ANYTHING! - to rub her hind legs on attempting to scratch the costume off. Kind of like a circus dog, walking around on her front legs randomly kicking her hind legs in the air. That's what Sadie does anyway, when we put her in her hooded sweatshirt. What? She likes it.

Julie said...

I got the e-mail too and I pictured the same thing. The only other image that comes to my head is something that any dog with a costume on might do: pull their head in and run around with a costume half on and half off - while not being able to see with their head stuck inside!

Sadie would kill me if I ever tried to dress her up as something edible. So far, her costumes have included a ladybug and a dragon. Tootsie rolls are for less fortunate dogs - like the poor soul pictured.

Gunnar, on the other hand, would gladly wear the costume and completely saturate it while trying to mark the nearest tree (so, his aim is a little off, so what?).

Ahh - you just gotta love em! Thanks for the plug, Liz!

Anonymous said...

Great post! Our dogs join us in Japan in less than 1 month. Yeah!!! Congrats to your Cards!