Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Swimming & Sickness

Well, Laney and I have had an interesting couple of days... yesterday morning she woke up with a temp of 102.5. Touching her, it felt like somone who is sunburned, her skin was that hot! So, of course, I stayed home with her. She was miserable, of course, but there didn't seem to be anything else wrong with her- just the fever. I called the doctor, and since there weren't any other symptoms, they thought it was probably something called roseola- a high fever for a couple of days, followed by a rash. Not the worst thing in the world, and by the time the fever shows up they aren't contagious anymore... and not many adults get it, so that was good. She slept a lot through the morning, and eventually I took her temp again- IT WAS 104.7! I got a little scared then, because that's just really high. So I gave her a cool bath, which she hated. Poor thing was shivering and covered in goosebumps BEFORE I put her in the tub! That brought it down pretty well, and Ruth came over to bring us some ibuprofen (we only had Tylenol, and that clearly wasn't working) and apple juice... and some chocolate for me, 'cause it'd been a rough morning!! Anyway, the ibuprofen really helped, and within an hour her temp was back to normal (seriously, it dropped 5 degrees in an hour). It was back up to 102 by bedtime, but it was all gone this morning. I kept her home from daycare anyway, just because I didn't really know if it would stay down. It has for the most part, although it did go up to about 101 this evening, so Laney and I stayed home from church. She could probably use an early bedtime!

Anyway, since she was feeling so much better, and it was 90+ degrees out today, we decided to get out the pool and let it warm up until the afternoon. She had a really good time playing in it, once she got passed the cold! Although, she was never really big on sitting down in it! She does love the slide, though... I'm so glad that we got this pool last year... and it being free was even BETTER! I'm sure we'll get LOTS of use out of it!

Filling up the pool before we headed to lunch with Daddy. And, for the record, I did NOT put that hat on her or make her wear it. When I asked if she wanted to wear a barrette, she said no and put on this hat instead. It was pretty adorable...

One of the only pictures of her face! It was so bright outside she had trouble looking up for pictures. And, she was entirely too busy to cheese for Mommy!

Playing with the diving rings, which she LOVED! She spent the whole time counting them (there were 3 of them) and throwing them into the water to make it splash. Here she is putting them on her feet because I picked them up with my feet once.

Counting the rings... and she knows all 3 of these colors, so she kept telling me what color they were, too!

And last but not least, a video! I have no idea what the lines are, they just showed up. I'm guessing it's because my camera is broken, so the batteries aren't held in very well, and I didn't have the duct tape on it (yes, I usually duct tape my camera closed). So the connection with the batteries may not have been very good. Anyway, the video is still cute. And, in the interest of translations, when she's climbing she says "Another stair and another stair" because I had to show her that there were 2 steps- she kept trying to start at the top step and falling because it was slick. And at the end she wants to get out (of course) because I was out of the pool.

Anyway, we had a really good time hanging out in the pool today, and actually just had fun in general. We went to lunch with Josh, shopped a (very) little, watched Charlotte's Web (classic) and just hung out. We won't get many of those days this summer, so I enjoyed this one, even if it was because she was sick.

Sometime I watch her and wonder when she got so big...


Carol said...

She's such a big girl! Very cute video! I'm glad she's feeling better today.

jess said...

I love how she says "I want out!" when she realizes that you are - like it's WAAAAAAY cooler to not be in the pool :)

Very cute video. Love the "wheeee!" sounds too!

Anonymous said...

Glad Elena got well so quickly - high fever is so scary! Playing in the water is a very good way to cool off - but getting into a cool tub with fever is not fun at all! G'De

Liz said...

Love the video! That pool is great! We need a slide on ours. Maybe next year we will get one like that (since I assume our blow up pool will pop again by next year). Sorry baby girl was sick, but we are glad she feels better.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! I am cracking up! she is so adorable...another stair, another stair...precious!